About Us

Who We Are

Westminster welcomes you to participate in this community’s life and work in the world. We are inclusive of all people regardless of identity. We love our interfaith friendships and know, at the core, our purpose is to love God and neighbor without exceptions. We are moved by the life and teachings of Jesus and strive to live in the world as he would have us - with compassion, an alive spirituality, a desire for justice, a commitment to service, and a heart for peace.

Church Staff

Lay Leaders


In our tradition, elders are elected representatives of the congregation and with the pastors, attend to the administration and spiritual life of the congregation. Elders are ordained to this work and remain elders for life. Ruling elders may serve no more than two three-year terms on Session before taking a sabbatical.


Class of 2025:
Jim Arce, Spiritual Life
Henry Bray, Congregational Life
Mary Beth Culler, Stewardship
Claude Hemphill, Finance
Olivia Holt, Communications
Suzanne Mellen, Community Service
Malia Peterson, Congregational Life


Class of 2026:
Chris Brettingen, Communications
Lucy Carrico, Westminster Events, Legacy Fund 
Laura Fitzpatrick, Personnel
Valerie Harrison, Stewardship
Bill Hasler, Buildings and Grounds


Class of 2027:
Susan Berkhout, Community Service
Elke Bray, Buildings and Grounds
Jeff Tsai, Personnel
Meg Valentine, Spiritual Life




Deacons are specially trained to visit the sick and those who are confined to their homes, address community problems, and care for both the congregation and the community. Deacons are also elected by the congregation and ordained to their work. They may serve up to two three-year terms of office.


Class of 2025:
Gary Carlston, Buildings and Grounds
Nancy Carlston, Westminster Events
Charlotte Montgomery, Usher Coordinator
Judi Sachs, Moderator
Marybeth Bond Sheppard, Sunday Experience


Class of 2026:
Linden Berry, Community Service
Amie Boswell-Kennett, Sunday Experience
Jerry Eaton, Finance
Suzanne Grady, Communications
Mark Sachs, Community Service


Class of 2027:
Carrie Burroughs, Deacon Secretary/Memorials
Richard DeLeon, Communications
Steve Denison, Spiritual Life
Peter Durham, Stewardship
Camille Vincent, Nominating/Christmas Fair



Westminster’s work is primarily organized through 10 committees comprised of at least one elder and one deacon and several members at large. Anyone is welcome to participate in the work of these groups. Please contact Pastor Rob McClellan or Pastor Bethany Nelson if interested in learning more about serving on a commission.

Buildings and Grounds: is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the entire church site, including building and equipment repair and modifications and custodial services. Elder Bill Hasler, Deacon Gary Carlson.

Communications: connects with the community to share news of upcoming programs, activities, and events happening at Westminster. Elder Chris Brettingen, Deacon Suzanne Grady.

Community Service: is responsible for promoting service in the community and advocacy around issues that reflect WPC’s vision and core values. Elder Suzanne Mellen, Deacon Mark Sachs.

Congregational Life: furthers relationships within our own church community, including hosting the after-worship coffee hour and periodic lunches, the fall in-gathering brunch, small group dinners, new member receptions, and the annual church picnic. Elders Randy Huyser and Malia Peterson, Deacon Jacquie Dara.

Finance: is responsible for the annual budget and special funding, and liaises with other financial entities in the church such as the Legacy Fund and Capital Campaign. Elders Amanda Bush and Claude Hemphill, Deacon Jerry Eaton.

Spiritual Life: offers worship experiences, classes, materials, and retreats that help individuals think about and expand their own spiritual life. Elders Jim Arce and Susan Bertelsen, Deacon Coral Kisseberth.

Stewardship: is responsible for the annual fundraising campaign, creating a culture of giving and keeping the congregation engaged and up to date throughout the year. Elders Mary Beth Culler and Valerie Harrison, Deacon Maryland Swensen.

Westminster Events: is a new kind of “community learning center” bringing compelling, diverse, and inspiring classes, workshops, and programs to Marin and the expanded Bay Area. Elder Lucy Carrico, Deacon Linden Berry.