Youth Ministry Adult Leader
| by Jeff Shankle
More than anything else, the primary catalyst of life-long spiritual growth is intergenerational relationships. Our adult leaders are given extensive training on how to connect with today’s teens in their worlds, on their terms. We are here to build relationships with our youth, earning the right to be heard, and walking alongside them on their spiritual journeys. We facilitate various activities and overnights throughout the year. More importantly though is the contact work– the time we spend outside the church and school events, coffee shops, burgers, and milkshakes. Just as Jesus came into our world to demonstrate God’s love, we go into the world of teenagers to do the same.
Please contact Jeff Shankle, Director of Youth Ministries, for more information.
Everyone who works or volunteers with minors are background-checked and given regular “Safe Church” training to ensure our children’s safety, as well as to provide an uplifting environment. For more information, contact Jeff Shankle, Director of Youth Ministries.